Welcome to the OSMEthiopia
Group for OSM community in Ethiopia - for sharing ideas and doing collaborative work in the region. We also represent all mappers, geospatial technology users, open data, and open source software project contributors in 🇪🇹
The major core things that OSMEthiopia will focused and work on.
Working to create a culture of voluntarism in the communityMaking mind changing programs and platforms.
Place is a shared resource, and when you give all that power to a single entity, you are giving them the power not only to tell you about your location, but to shape it.
Making the hub of youth opportunities & creating jobs Creating Landmarks Transforming Cities.
Integrity, Transparency and Accountability: other to ensure cost effective implementation of planned activities Excellence: High level of quality delivery.Flexibility, Equal opportunities.
The mission of OpenStreetMap Ethiopia is to have a vibrant OpenStreetMap community in Ethiopia: united, organised and growing to assist, and get involved in National and global development goals.
To have a greater capacity for open data, open source, and applying these principles to assist organizations, individuals locally and internationally to manage and solve social, economic and community challenges
We facilitates all possibilities in the GIS to implement projects by technological advancement
OpenStreetMap Ethiopia aspires to provide diverse internship programs to open up the community greater and furnish direction for the foremost steps into the world of Open mapping, open source, and open data. Additionally, soft skills transferred through workshops which include career guidance, networking, and sharing experiences. Finally, some outstanding interns are selected for our projects.
OpenStreetMap Ethiopia in collaboration with OpenGIS Ethiopia is working with Noble Farms Ethiopia Limited, private agricultural training and inputs provider to introduce open mapping GIS tools and technology to improve efficiency in their work.Noble Farms Ethiopia Limited provides farmers with inputs that include seeds, agricultural machinery like tractors, and training on post-harvesting.
Ethiopian Open Source OpenStreetMap-based routes data consuming trip planner application customized by AddisMap Transit allowing enabled the usage of multi-modal transport services under one platform. Hence, it helps public transport users become better informed and save time through the identification of routes, stops, and time schedules.
OpenStreetMap Ethiopia developed a secret reporting mechanism for survivors of gender-based violence using an automated phone call or text through any type of phone (smart or non-smart including landline) In collaboration with Ethiopian Telecommunication corporation, installed a mechanism in which a woman with GBV from all over Ethiopia can call or text a specific three to four-digit emergency number.
OpenStreetMap Ethiopia with support from the Ethiopia Red Cross Society from the 25th to the 28th of the November 2021 set out to assess and determine the extent of the floods in Diredawa and Alaba Town Council in South East District using GIS, Drone Technology and Photogrammetry. The goal of the mission was to document the effects of the floods and the affected towns using Drone Technology and Interviews with the affected Communities.
OpenStreetMap Ethiopia with support from the Ethiopia Red Cross Society from the 25th to the 28th of the November 2021 set out to assess and determine the extent of the floods in Diredawa and Alaba Town Council in South East District using GIS, Drone Technology and Photogrammetry. The goal of the mission was to document the effects of the floods and the affected towns using Drone Technology and Interviews with the affected Communities.
OpenStreetMap Ethiopia with support from the Ethiopia Red Cross Society from the 25th to the 28th of the November 2021 set out to assess and determine the extent of the floods in Diredawa and Alaba Town Council in South East District using GIS, Drone Technology and Photogrammetry. The goal of the mission was to document the effects of the floods and the affected towns using Drone Technology and Interviews with the affected Communities.
State of the Map Ethiopia is the annual event for all mappers and OpenStreetMap users from Ethiopia. Please consider signing up for updates via our newsletter, join our telegram group chat and follow us on Twitter.OSM Ethiopia is committed to providing participants with a safe conference environment following the latest safety and health guidelines set by authorities. State Of The Map Ethiopia 2023 will take place from 8th - 10th November in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Check out the blog for the first ever OpenStreetMap conference after Ethopia.
FOSS4E is the acronym for Free and Open Source Software for Ethiopia. It is the annual recurring National event hosted by OSM Ethiopia, to support and promote the collaborative development of free and open-source technologies and open geospatial data. The conference covers all kinds of topics related to geospatial information and earth observation openness from Software development to Transition to FOSS4G, Use cases and applications, Education and research, and Open data.
OpenStreetMap Ethiopia partnered with HOT to carry out this program which involved acquiring spatial data in and around refugee settlements to better understand the refugee crisis and also assist partners working in the refugee crisis with information Management and data collection tools with OSM at the core.
Our technological advancement Take your project Performance to the next level. Empower your teams.
It will be as simple as occidental in fact, it will be Occidental.
" Firstly, focus on the most frequent ones. be grateful for any feedback you may receive in that regard. To fail to act on that is a mistake that may cost you too much too soon. "
" In research conducted by QuestionPro, 36% of employees said that better visibility of organizational goals would amplify their satisfaction and job performance. "
" When employees have a sense of direction how they fit in the long-term broader company vision it does impact job satisfaction positively. "
" Why should you care how people would describe your product? Because it’s an important issue when your product gets described as ‘buggy’ instead of ‘life-saving.’ "
" If you don’t want to give your clients any suggestions, you can use the open-ended variation of this customer survey question and ask How would you describe our product "
" Firstly, focus on the most frequent ones. be grateful for any feedback you may receive in that regard. To fail to act on that is a mistake that may cost you too much too soon. "
" In research conducted by QuestionPro, 36% of employees said that better visibility of organizational goals would amplify their satisfaction and job performance. "
" When employees have a sense of direction how they fit in the long-term broader company vision it does impact job satisfaction positively. "
" Why should you care how people would describe your product? Because it’s an important issue when your product gets described as ‘buggy’ instead of ‘life-saving.’ "
" If you don’t want to give your clients any suggestions, you can use the open-ended variation of this customer survey question and ask How would you describe our product "
" Firstly, focus on the most frequent ones. be grateful for any feedback you may receive in that regard. To fail to act on that is a mistake that may cost you too much too soon. "
OSMEthiopia will work on different social issues to solve problems and usher in solutions from untapped potential o young Ethiopians all over the country and abroad
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Scope : Exclusive 5days training
Onlinespace : Blue Moon
Our Parteners : Capital Hotel, Ambassagors
Scope : Exclusive 5days training
Onlinespace : Blue Moon
Support : Yes
Scope : Exclusive 5days training
Where : Grand Hall
Support : Yes
Scope : Exclusive 5days training
Where : Grand Hall
Support : Yes
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